Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Case No. 1-nyc-06122011 AVERSION TO SEX

The air is carved around her, six inches from her skin 
an air of precisely calculated elegance. 
And under that a pulse of hip. 
Two hips, yes, but a tight beat, a short set metronome. 
Click clack would go her shoes, but they step quiet instead; 
if this be a flame, it's set low and steady for the night. 
A lantern in wartime, chocolate melting slow.
Dark jeans hug her and black silk billows above. 
A flash of leopard print escapes the back slit, her bra closure 
dancing into the light every other step. 
I'm following her, a few steps behind 
and though she'll never know it 
there's a nearly constant companion 
to my thoughts. 
Does she have all she needs in this world?  
No matter how fiercely I pursue the other side of success, 
self centered and heady as I may be, 
there's a mother in her life every day, 
in the form of me. 

With that much affection and that little distance, 
comes this diagnosis of her current condition, 
and this proposition of a cure.


From sexual aversion to sexual addiction, the pendulum of sexual imbalances may have similar root causes. Sexual imbalance may be emotional in origin. Likewise, there may be an organic cause such as hormonal imbalance, blood stagnancy or general poor health.  Stress, depression, alcohol and drug use all can cause aversion to sex.   Sexual trauma or violence, fear of pregnancy and fear of intimacy are also causes of sexual imbalances.     
Energy is generated and concentrated in sexual organs and glands.  Hormones produced in sex glands support cell & tissue regeneration and mental & physical performance.
Sexual energy can be likened to creative energy and the desire to create (or pro-create).
Pomegranate helps to maintain balanced hormone levels and sex drive. The fruit and its juice have been used to increase fertility and contain vital nutrition for pregnant women.
Pomegranate is packed with anti-inflammatory flavonoids that help blood vessels open allowing blood to flow freely to all areas of the body. 
Pomegranate wine is delicious and a particularly effective aphrodisiac. 
"Dancing can be magical and transforming. It can breathe new life into a tired soul; make a spirit soar; unleash locked-away creativity; unite generations and cultures; inspire new romances or rekindle old ones; trigger long-forgotten memories; and turn sadness into joy, if only during the dance." - American Association of Retired Persons

Dance has long been recognised as a way for prospective partners to select each other. Isadora Duncan said of dance that it needed 'the highest intelligence in the freest body'. Recent studies show how much can be conveyed by dance:
An article in Nature 'Dance reveals symmetry especially in young men' shows that dance in Jamaica seems to show evidence of sexual selection and to reveal important information about the dancer.[17] [18] Professor Lee Cronk at Rutgers says: "More symmetrical men put on a better show, and women notice". Symmetry is a strong indicator of fitness as it shows developmental stability.